1st Digital Personhood Network Meeting

Today and tomorrow I am in South Manchester for the 1st Digital Personhood Network Meeting.

The network is funded under the RCUK Digital Economy strand and supports a number of projects who will all be presenting over the next couple of days.

As this is a LiveBlog please note that there are likely to be some typos or small errors. Corrections are welcome and I will be updating the post with any errors that come in.

Welcome note – Mike Chantler

Rcuk economy funded, also some nemode Rcuk funding.

Some here from sandpit projects, some not. These projects came out of a sandpit session here which ran for a week in later 2012.

Idea today is to come up with something that expresses your research interests, the research landscape and challenges, any potential multiplier for impact stuff. Today we will mix things up eye. Tomorrow well set up a document that captures there search landscape taking on board your research interests….

Why do that? Established and well funded communities tend to have road maps and plans. Good to have to characterise an area, to refer to in proposals, and so ewe can present to digital economy advisory board so they understand what the network is about, what challenges and drivers there are.

::: cue an icebreaker chat :::

Digital economy – dr john Baird

This will set the scene…and talk about impact, of bigger picture. This work is really important and stuff you are doing is new, showing new interdisciplinary projects. Add press coverage matters, David Willets has noticed one of these projects which is great.

And this strand came from reviews of digital economy work, which hazel was involved in.

Previously pseuds corner of private eye rather trivialised this stuff so we need to get great coverage that overcomes that trivialisation.

What’s the vision?

The DE vision: rapidly realise the transformational impact of digital technologies on aspects of community life, cultural experiences, future society, and the economy.

Indeed steve jobs said: “technology is not enough, interdisciplinary is key”. And indeed we have are really huge range of people here, across digital economy but also in this room. We have three research council partners of EPSRC, AHRC, ESRC and workkmh across communities and cultures; sustainable society; IT as a utility; new economic models – four challenge areas, they are open shops.

Great example of digital personhood – economist front cover on Facebook, highlighting people giving their data. That’s at the heart of things…

Major DE theme investments… In 2008 gave funding of £120m. So set up three (12m each):

– horizon – Nottingham and Oxbridge, Brunel, Exeter on footprints etc
– social inclusion through the digital economy – Newcastle and Dundee
– dot.rural – Aberdeen

These end next years… So what’s going to be next?

We also have doctoral training centres – thematic, £5 each, five years, 100 student pa

– web science, Southampton
– digital entertainment – bath and Bournemouth
– my life in data – Nottingham
– financial computing and analytics – UCL, LSE and imperial
– healthcare innovation – Oxford
– high wire – Lancaster
– Media and arts technology – QMUL
– Intelligent games – York
– Digital civics – Newcastle

These have retail, football club, banking connections, having a real impact.

Other major investments:

– Digital city exchange – £5.9m looking at smart cities to boost capabilities, internet of things enabling transport routing, dealing with costly peak demand, data in health, social and other areas.

– framework for research and innovation in media citrus (FIRM funded with AHRc) – just finished but included BBC and ITV

– also sandpits in:
– designing effective research spaces
– changing travel behaviour
– design in the digital world
– digital personhood
– empathy and trust in online communications.

Also 4 networks
– bridging the urban and rural divide
– research in the wild **
– transforming technology with demand…?
– economy and copyright (Glasgow)

Popular press coverage
When I talk about these projects I like to pull out ToTEM (Tales of things) and Annie Lennox’s dress – free half page in Sunday times and it was clear who funded that work – couldn’t have paid for that sort of coverage and working with oxfam and did get commercialised and led to shelflike project, personalised 3D chocolate, daily mail pick ups on older people and sensors and data from Newcastle work and Phillips’ ambient kitchen, digital sensors a in new scientist, student placement at double negative and his work went into inception and prizes won by student and film

So in the future?

Had a scheme under previous administration around particular cross disciplinary challenge themes…. But no real government drivers here to continue on in quite the same way with these themes… So How do we make the story about what we fund and should fund next…

These are sort of T shaped people, we want to stimulate through fellowships in: IoT, NEM, and Social computing.

Also research now more mature… Some ready for users, for commercialisation, and more goes back to fundamental research…

So trying to come up with next stage centres – 4 or 5 critical mass sized centres drawing substantially on and consolidating outputs, know how, positioning and demonstrations resulting from previous DE theme funding. Societal impact, committed routes for exploitation and growing pool of DE trained interdisciplinary researchers. Lever 100% additional funding – gross size for each centre between £5m and £8m.

Strategy meeting – what is future of DE in next delivery plan (meeting around June), post 2015/16? Consultation, cross section of community will generate ideas, want to convince government to put more money in…

This current government has very different idea about ways it’s going. So driven by industry strategies and 8(+1?) great technologies….
– big data
– space
– robotics and autonomous systems
– regenerative medicine
– synthetic biology
– energy storage
– advanced material
– agri-science

Quantum technology – £270m extra. A great new tech area? Have cryptography areas etc…. But… Seems to go into big chunks. £180m for big data. So we have to sell big blocks of activity in these ways.

Chris hankin, institute for security science and technology

John didn’t mention the £650m that the government gave to cyber security, not all to research councils.

Thought it might be useful to run through an overview of a project we couldn’t talk about at the sandpit session.

Part of our work was to try and characterise what identity was… I want to mention briefly the WDYTYA (who do you think you are) sandpit – a global uncertainties sandpit – and I’ll say now that tone disappointment is that it would be good to see more link up there’s between this and that area.

So when we looked at characterising identity for Go science Future Identity project we saw that it is:

– identity shaped by context
– ascribed versus elective – how people choose to present themselves
– multiple versus single
– changing or static
– hyper connectivity and online versus offline – included as an external driver

The WDYTYA sandpit asked us about how we establish confidence in the identity of the person or entity with which we are interacting and how we manpintain confidence over time. what does identity mean particularly between human and electronic persona or device interacting on their behalf. How do identities fuse, etc.

Several projects out of this

– SID (Super-I’d) static and behavioural measures of identity – biometrics – in both real and cyber world. Eg how you swipe a touchscreen as confidence measure for height…
– IMPRINT project – happily give data away to scorecards. But if DWP less willing to. This project looks at identity management, identification of taboos and production of artefacts
– Uncertainty of Id – spatio temporal aspects of identity in virtual and real domains
– identiscope – multiple identities

So onto Go science future identities. This is a foresight project under government office for science. This was looking at ten year cycle. Previously did climate report. Currently working on digital cities *** tend to look out 30-40 years and are based on 5 yrs work. But the future identities work was all in one year, and looked out ten years.

Report based on twenty detailed driver reports. Typically if you look at longer term foresight projects they will have fewer reports. We looked at something like 1000 piece of literature. Final report can be downloaded from go science page.

We found various drivers. Technology change, economic change, demographic change, environmental change, political and government change. Interested in how changes would be expressed in terms of behaviour – criminal behaviour such as radicalisation and extremism, social cohesion/integration, individual weell being.

The way foresight reports work is to use evidence to draw out key areas, and expose those key messages to policy makers. One of the key messages for me is that policy makers need to begin to think about privacy, security, but also identity into policy from the word go. Should not be an add on at the end.

Future identities – drivers for change… Some trends may be slow… E.g. Looking at demographic change for growth of population from mid 2010 to mid 2035. We recognise that society is becoming much more pluralised… But technology will help give a sense of community and cohesion.

The report particularly tries to give advice to policy makers in each area… In terms of drivers and key trends…we. Got this model of identity a cross three components. Social identities (with others), biographical (can change but are kind of written into us), and biometric (literally written into us) we really focused on social and biographical identities. A key aspect is multiple identities, that thinking of identity as singular is not helpful.

We developed personas to illustrate some of these ideas of identity… Bringing in factors such as financial status nationality, religion… And we also mapped on contexts such as work, home, voting in general election, and when using social media online. A way to understand these complex interactions and dependencies. Identities are complex. There is some co-creation of identities. We sawin the report that identities could be a resource… E.g. Looking at McKinsey global reports on manipulating people’s identities. And a real skills gap there for computer scientists and social scientists.

Also key trends for next ten years:
1) hyper connectivity
2) increasing social plurality
3) blurring of public identities

So for (1) noting use of connections at home rather than work…(oxis) And impact of mobile phones: differentiation of online and offline will disappear…

(2) social diversity – immigration trends,change in trends of immigration patrons – no longer ethnic immigration but white immigration from Central Europe and they disperse into the community whereas historically clusters of areas occurred so rural communities get influx of immigrants they may not have had before; but also less cohesive and virtually linked at once

(3) Blurring of public and private identities – see oxis data on social network set up. Attitudes to privacy are changing. Real issue of privacy and trust.

So… More on policies – see report.

Final slide here now on some research issues:

– privacy – particularly in the context of data aggregation, interested in this with my day job in mind here, protection of anonymity real challenge

– anonymous recognition techniques – exposing only part of your identity in a transaction

– the law in cyber space – many issues, some very good reports from prof David law from Durham. Real issues in law and identity in uk. Law cannot keep pace…

– digital permanence and the right to be forgotten – EC who I occasionally advice is talking about new data protection law… Moving away a bit from this context.we do have the right to be forgotten (e.g. Facebook pages for unborn babies, or people without any online presence also recorded online by others – eg names and activities of civil servants).


Q1) did you look at inauthentic identities that might be easier to portray online?
A) we did from various perspectives. Quite strong presence. Imprint project looking at that with artists and media participants
Q) implications for cyber security, to protect ourselves
A) whole of WDYTYA sandpit really addressed that issue… Clearly are important implications. Some as aspects of foresight report of interest there. Particularly interested in converse of coin of identity theft… Fraudulent identity etc, if interest.

Q2) what are security services doing!p? Will putting out fake ones to infiltrate,,, but interesting to disambiguate. Good to know about inauthentic identity in tripadvisor etc.
a) interesting to switch identity in terms of digital back story
Comment) some work I’m involved with looking at grooming etc… Often about language mismatch to assumed identity…

Q3) privacy changing. Hear this a lot… We did work on different ages and attitudes and. Strategies change quite radically, think it’s more nuanced and varied than that
A) did look in more nuanced way… Attitudes changing is flippant. The young don’t care isn’t right… They care about different things. See driver report, and body of report.we. Recognise subtleties…

:::: more tea and coffe and icebreaking::::

Digital prosumer
Looking at how people can make money and capitalise on their own data and productions. So what is a digital prosumer? Well it is made up of those that both consumer and produce digital content within their digital personhood.

The aim of the project – make money out of your data. Legal framework. Micro exchange. Do use design sites. Moving towards demonstration and evaluation of theses sands. The legal framework is the mandatory underpinning for meaningful exploitation.

So we are getting these prosumers to place their data into a digital locker, aggregated into a digital vault, use data mining algorithms for persona identification and matching processes, to tradable persona products. And the other arm of this is the exchange. So people give data for financial rewards. And yes, we are talking to supermarkets.

Over to Audrey who is talking about legal progress. So literature review has take. Leave on data and persona products and privacy and data protection laws on uk and eu level, also literature review on financial products and futures markets. Ongoing development of legal framewok.

From there: legal status of data – current gal around prosumer taking charge of own data for instance. Etc. and also financial law aspects – mx – the exchange – doesn’t fall into standard financial regulation so need to make sure project is compliant with FCA objectives – protection of consumer, competition etc. and looking at contract law.

Next for project…. Migrate to cloud, legal aspects, and a digital persona survey to gather views on personal data. See link (to follow).

Creating and exploring digital empathy – andrew
Looking at empathy in digital personhood as we think it’s much ignored thus far.

Digital empathy: diary study and lab study – trust based game in lab, how you share and communicate trust. And how to sense that… Voight-kampff machine, webcams, all sorts of aspects. And we a re interested in colours and lighting – mapping emotional states to colours. Brainwaves linked to lighting in lab (empathetic lighting). Planning to link up lighting in labs for empathy. And then, I’m not naturally religious, but the church popped in who were keen to see what happens. Linking with London wide church network. We are interested in the candle lighting process in church, if we can network that, link it to church fonts and holy water to communicate how we feel about things. WHAt about networked churches, or cross faiths….

Over to Bill…. And I’m interested in the ideas of designing interactions,,, the idea of hot and cold media…and looking at various project here…

April 2014 a four candles and networked fonts with ts peter de Beauvoir – sharing though and dropping your roubles…

TRYing to move interaction model to trigger conversations,as king why something is happening.., one of the things about melt ya is that it really requires a conversation, it has to be two way…

SO this far we are designing empathic interactions. So we have four real (but electronically lit) candles and interface.,,,

Sandpits lead to other things,,, speaking to future cities catapult, with guide dog association.., walking people around how we feel about place… With visually impaired people … We will be using that group and the blind dogs in phase two and that work has been filmed and will be on tv next week: projectcede.org and @projectcede

Charting the digital lifespan – Wendy moncur

We want to understand how uk citizens make sense of digital personhood across the lifespan now. To envision possible futures where the uks digital natives approach adulthood, become parents have retire, generate social, cultural and technical insights. To innovate new technologies,a me to raise digital literacy, and to raise awareness in policy makers.

We are looking at 18-22 year olds, easier than younger people.,,, transitioning from school and university. Also looking at first time parents. AND looking at newly retired people.

This is interdisciplinary – psychologists, computer scientists, etc.

Digital anthropology is being used, many don’t even realise they are online as so ubiquitous. Loads of data from interviews with young adults,,, one finding us that pope,e have lots of multiple identities. W are using design fiction – getting oaicioants to respond to these and seeing what ideas emerge.

Also using design artefacts in the home, speculative devices, to be used in a reflective process. In Terms of technology probes we also use diaries and intro and exit interviews as well.

John in Sheffield is developing techniques to mine images based on context turning social media into meaningful structured data, and enabling us to develop digital literacy tools…

So ewe are solidifying great sandpit ideas. Integrating work packages. Ambitious in the short timescale, but it’s an exciting and intriguing topic. Inherently innovative.

Generating insights as clearly as we can, publishing, book chapter etc. opportunities I came out of disseminating at Cheltenham literary festival.

Reel lives: personal documentaries – pam Briggs what matthew aylett, finola Kerrigan, haring alanine, Elaine, etc

Fragmented selves don’t support social learning and individual empowerment. SO wanted to create personal editable documentaries or reels from digital data – how could we have predicted that Facebook might do something but at least we have ideas about how to do this rather better.

There are also a New York group called reel lives so we have made contacts there – they film disadvantaged young people.

So just to talk about the work packagers here. Birmingham and Northumbria are the more nontechnical work. So from Birmingham side, wea re leading what we think is really interesting first phase doing several things. Working with film organisations like FBI,nf+Mand running film competition with deadline for end of month for artists to submit. That’s here on our website (#filmmakers required). They pitch the idea and the specific person they will work with. And they will get help from the project to mine and aggregate that data. Uta. Require that no original filming can be part of this. As we want a real idea of just what is possible and how that feels for participants.

In the meantime we are looking at ogher things out three in terms of aggregations like Facebook films, like Intelsat museum of me…. That is built on Facebook data for instance. We are working with triads of people, mainly younger people, getting them to watch own museum of me and think about attitudes pot what they see, Andre fleet on what matters, what the gals are, what parts of your life are not app reign digitally. Also looking at scrapbook ideas, some great work Microsoft on this about curating materials, multiple personas etc.

There are a lot s here doing data mining who we should work together…

Other to Elaine. WE ARE WORKing with open university. They are scraping data from Facebook and twitter, imposing structure, and looking for entities,a didn’t value for data. Then passing to use. And we. Get XML database, easy much have a n image because this will be filmic documentary. Using units with data. Also take n narrative target – a story that can have a. Different structure. Out in what kind of story or narrative you want. WILL have audio soundtrack. An do. Will extract featured, do a voter I search, and the. We render as a video… Can be saved and sahard… It will have the same semantic data it came with… SO there’s the generation process, and we also have this lattice. But we allow individuals to change their story, to choose images for each unit, will find next best match and coherant… And a Story…

Being there: humans and robots
Our story was that we wanted to look at digital technologies in the public realm, in the sense of Richard Sennett. Ways of experiencing difference. Often digital technologies are presented as treats, theatre the notion of the public realm. So we wanted to think about how to use these technologies in ways that are privacy preserving but public enabling. So wanted instrumented public space with capacity to analyse group emotions an d accurately track locations in 3d – a living lab. And explore interactions between people and robots in public space. And we want to do that with privacy preserving protocols – in terms of issues of anonimisation. Deanonimisation…

Strands: Magneto-inductive localisation – dealing with indoor very challenging & Fingerprinting techniques; automated analysis of group emotions; robots and telepresence using 3x NAL robots; and privacy

I am a social psychologist by training,,, I am interested in behaviour synchrony in groups, looking at how people act together in time and the behavioural synchrony, implicit social influence. Testing by speed of tapping and the psychological behaviours around that and the last of influence… Have a nice model for implicit social influence and how they ripple out in public space. Can also look at effect that robot and human interactions might have in these interactions. Here we use the NAO and the relationship there and influence tree.

Other work taking place on telepresence and trust. Not just between humans and robots, telepresence and robot proxy itself, looking at effects of appearance and nature of different robot forms etv,

In terms of embedding impact… We are engaged with the company I-she’d. Involved in creative economy SMEs, microcosm panties, artists and community groups, both to produce the living lab and a creative commission….

Digital economy and ESRC – Rachel Tyrrell
Rachel’s slides will be available on the website.

ESRC are the uks major public sector funded of social science research and post graduate training with an annual a budget of approximately £200million. The 13/14 funding splits around 26% on training and skills at all research life! safeguard and collaborative research is about 25% but other areas include material a and other activities…. Currently work up new strategic plans but reviewing our current strategic objectives as part of this.

Doctoral training centres network is a bit different, it is not thematically driven, but otherwise similar to model described by john earlier. Note that there are a huge range of training courses and opportunities across the ESRC, take a look at the NCRM in particular, and I would encourage you to put in a bid for the ESRC Festival of social sciences. And I should add that we have a new project with undergraduates focusing on quantitative methods, understanding that this understanding needs to be built in earlier in the research career.

A quick word about the cross council funding agreements and remit – this is an agreement to ensure no research ends up unfounded because it falls between research councils. This process is an everyday thing. In interdisciplinary field it’s totally fine to contact us to ask us questions about this, that will save you time, it will help you to target the right research councils.and once that’s in process projects can be fund by several research. We do have boundary agreements across research councils… But often projects aren’t that clear cut.

I was asked to talk about digital economy. WE Work with all of the four challenge areas but I decided today to to focus on social media.

TO GIVe you a quick view of erecting activity in responsive mode – calls completely open, open to all social sciences. Responsive awards are totally open, and include digital personhood sandpit in November 2012; emoticon sandpit in an 2014 (first ESRC led sandpit); de social media workshop in Bangalore (feb 2014) – often what I do is a sort of academic speed dating… We did this event for hat point of view, fostering relationships partnership etc; emerging priority of social media – big data network (call TBA but info on website). Sign up to ESRC newsletter for more information. DO keep an eye on this call.

Q) some of us were at international meeting for social media in April….

Yes, should have mentioned that, there was an ideas for an international centre for social media. That’s different. All interested but still trying to find best areas on that. BUT IF ANYthing comes through from that I’ll let mike know, to share onwards.

Also I wanted to talk about international collaboration’ you can involve coinvestigators overseas in responsive bids. We work with European partners. We also look to strengthen collaborations in several key territories (us, India and China).

SME other areas of ESRC schemes: uremic grants mechanism for immediate research work,me.g. The threats on twitter around Jane Austin banknote. There is also the transformative research call – genuine transformative research, pioneering theoretical or methodological research. Stuff here can be risky and the work can look quite different because of that. It’s A bit sanity because we use pitch to peer sessions. I also thought that research seminars might be. Interest, an annual scheme and a focus on international here too. Also some targeted strategic schemes – including secondary data analysis initiative – using any previous data resource. Some really exciting awards there’s!

There is a research catalogue online where you can find details of all ESRC funded research projects and their outputs. Search by keyword and by date so you can find calls, projects funded, press releases etc. so if you are looking for a potential research project do have a look through.

So any call or activity that goes live goes up on eNews. Really useful as. We do come up with strategic schemes or annual schemes that dong nabe regular timelines. And you are very welcome to email me with any queries about ESRC funding. Really open to emails and chats.

Impact – Laura hood

M yhe Conversation. I’m an editor, part of a team witch journalists. The idea is to get academics to work with journalists to talk about research in an accessible way. Started in Australia about three years ago. We launched in the uk 10 months ago. We pick out content that fits into the mainstream news agenda but it’s written by academics and highlights research work. SO In the morning, the team meet and discuss big news items of the day, we get them to write a 600 word article that we edit and publish. I work with digital economy researchers . We have funding from twenty universities and from recur under digital economy strand. So there at the moment for instance Eerke Bolton at university of Kent has been writing on the NHS, digging into the actual documents. He thinks there has been some media hysteria so he has been digging through presenting what he sees as the actual concerning areas and from his research perspectives. Also o there is work on issues around grinder on HIV and AIDS prevention work – not as tied to news agenda.

So you can get in touch with me when your research area is on the news, or you can just contact me about your research area. For instance a recent post here is from Wendy moncur on Facebook and death – a response to their change in policy. Similarly google brought a a company called deep ins, and press speculation over that purchase. I did some journalistic digging to see that deep mind originating at UCL, I contacted matthew Higgs, an author I work with regularly , and we had a story no one else did as he is a researcher in this area and already knew about deep mind and what it does. And when we publish it’s restive commons licensed and we have dedicated staff who pitch to other press and we get stuff reprinted in guardian new statemen, ars technica, new York times happened last week. And as an author you can see traffic to can article, tweets about it. This is great for impact, for speaking to funders, to help with promotions. And this is great exposure for RCUK and we are working with them to expose that type of data for stuff they have funded. AUTHors are approached by other media outlets as a result of writing about their work here. Really is quite good for your profile as an academic. I am here to help you write for a general audience, turn your work into something AT&T reads well. Get in touch, tell me what you are working together to create articles.

John: contracts, consultancy, impact and exploitations ice of this is brilliant, see Nottinghamshire work on Airbnb. And actually dot rural work on birds gets 1.2m Retweets or something. Every single project in this theme has people at the heart.he big added value here is that what Laura does is to get your words and have ownership of them, but in language the public understand. With other press you lose ownership and can find your words distorted.

Laura: post NSA there is so much interest in this sir of stuff. It’s a great time to be doing stuff here. And yes,we. Cannot publish until you approve an article. And your name goes on that work. fad that includes the headline.

Comment: that is so important as I’ve seen journalists write up a consortium project before it was ready and without consultation.

And with that day one was over. As much of day two will be discussions I will just be blogging highlights from the talks.

First up Mike Chantler is discussing the objectives for the day, which will start with us mapping the digital personhood research landscape in various breakout groups. We will produce narratives, names of participants, draw a diagram, and name the area.

After a lovely breakout group, we are back for brief summaries from our groups. I think I’ll leave the details to follow from the digital personhood network website. Not least because I was presenting our group, and our super memorable visual analogy: “the kebab of digital identity”.

And now over to john Baird totals about impact.

Importance of Impact – John Baird
Impact is an issue for all researchers. So I wanto give you an idea of three things to ask for in pathways to Impact.

A thirty second potted history here… The language has changed here over the last Wendy years. “Realising our potential: a strategy for science, engineering and technology” a 1993 report talking about a need for greater growth and impact of research funding. Ten years later in march 2006 suggested next steps. In 2007 RCUK moved towards this language of excellence with impact. And increasingly terminology is growth.

DE Theme Impact review – was led by andrew Herbert with 11others. Showed de in a good position for success. Strong multidisciplinary angle, good scien, genuine impact on the community.

Comments included:

“To achieve impact a research activity must have a clearly defined and measurable target and a strategy for using research reuse….”

There was concern about researchers articulating the impact of their work, highlighting areas for possible reasons, including narrow focuses on the rarer but also concerns about recognising impact at key stages in the project. Indeed impact has to be part of the research pla, and during. And throughout the research project life cycle.

The key thing really… Academics don’t have to do all this stuff, it’s positioning your work so that you enable pathways not impact….think about people secondment and exchange. Many aspects here… Also Publication costs, knowledge exchange, and of course public engagement.

Back to Mike Chantler… And stories of unplanned and planned impact. Why does this matters? Well there is a spending review for the research councils coming up, around April 2016. That matters to any of us with a Grant or looking for one in the future.

With that we break out to discuss impact and briefly join again to hear again from john Baird on the impact ecosystem. He emphasises that there are Research council “impact acceleration grants”. These enable follow on or extended impact. These are funds held at thirty one universities in the uk. You need to be the catalyst for impact. YOU sow the seeds, the impact activities are the water and sunshine that allows that stuff to grow.

One thing to add here… Who should be in this network in the future? Who else should be here – google and Facebook perhaps?

And finally back to Mike for some summing up. W really wanted to form connections and mix you up acrossdisciplines, across interests. That can be really exciting. A really difficult area to fund to leer review which is why these types of events are so important. We also wanted to capture research interests. And we want to raise awareness of impact areas and opportunities.

Ace with that we are done. The report from the event is already largely written based on our group work and Wellsorted submissions. Watch this space for more links and information to follow.


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About Nicola Osborne

I am Digital Education Manager and Service Manager at EDINA, a role I share with my colleague Lorna Campbell. I was previously Social Media Officer for EDINA working across all projects and services. I am interested in the opportunities within teaching and learning for film, video, sound and all forms of multimedia, as well as social media, crowdsourcing and related new technologies.

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