PhoneBooth prototype

We have put together 4 proofs-of concept which demonstrate the ways we can now manipulate the Booth map and notebooks. We are now working towards testing of a prototype mobile application in the next few weeks.


There are four demonstrators:

  1. Booth map shown side-by-side, and …
  2. … overlaid transparently on a Google base map (other base maps will be available in the final version, including Open Street Map and Ordnance Survey)
  3. Booth map overlaid with the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2010 (source: Department of Communities and Local Government, mapping by CASA/UCL)
  4. Booth map with notebooks entries available for reading, linked to the page level


The side-by-side map and transparent overlay show the basic mapping functionality: retrieval of a location on the Booth map on the basis of a current location supplied by browsing a modern map (or vice versa).

The inclusion of the Index of Multiple Deprivation shows a government open data set being mashed up with the historical map (via some rendering by CASA/UCL: to facilitate comparison between the historic and contemporary geography of the space.

The rendering of the notebook entries shows the availability of eye-witness observations in the locality (which were the basis of the coloured, economic classifications of the streets).

The prototype

The proofs-of-concept demonstrate the ways in which the Booth data can be manipulated. Next, we need to be able to make that functionality available in a usable, mobile application.

Here is a screenshot of the current development version:

We have a development freeze scheduled for 18 June, which will be followed by some serious, in-depth testing in-the-field.

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