SUNCAT feature library: Zoological Society of London

This is the second in the series of guest posts written by one of SUNCAT’s Contributing Libraries. This time it is from the library at the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), written by Ann Sylph, Librarian.

Library at the Zoological Society of London

Interested in cats as well as cataloguing? Big cats, small cats, wild cats and, of course, what about the rest of the animal kingdom such as caterpillars and catfish? You need to use the ZSL Library which contains a vast amount of resources on all animals and their conservation! We are one of SUNCAT’s Contributing Libraries and hold a wide range of serials on all types of animals as well as many conservation and zoo titles, including many specialist `niche’ titles such as International Zoo News ; Animal Keepers Forum ; … as well as  more mainstream titles such as Animal Conservation ; Zoo Biology; Journal of Zoology; Biodiversity and Conservation.

Felis caudate, plate 34 in A monograph of the Felidae, or family of cats, by Daniel Giraud Elliot. – [London] : published by the author, 1883.

Located in London’s Regent’s Park we welcome visits from non-members however you will need proof of address on your first visit. The ZSL Library is open Monday to Friday 9.30am to 5.30pm. We also hold books dating from the sixteenth century to the present whilst our special collections include art works, ZSL’s Archives and `Zoophemera’.

Picture by Marie Sibille Merian (1726)

SUNCAT contains details of our serial holdings but use our online catalogue to further explore our holdings. Each month we feature something special from our collections on the Library pages of the main ZSL website. Current displays in ZSL Library itself feature naturalist and explorer, Alfred Russel Wallace.
