Upcoming Event: “Geospatialâ€� in the Cultural Heritage domain, past, present and future

We are very excited to announce that bookings are now open for the next JISC GECO workshop!

“Geospatial” in the  Cultural Heritage domain, past, present and future (#geocult) , taking place on Wednesday 7th March 2012 in London,  will be an opportunity to explore how digitised cultural heritage content can be exploited through geographical approaches and the types of tools and techniques that can be used with geo-referenced/geotagged content.

Issues we are keen to discuss include selection of maps/materials, issues of accuracy and precision, staff and technical requirements, sustainability, licensing.

The event will take place at Maughan Library, Chancery Lane, part of Kings College London. We are most grateful to the lovely people at the KCL Centre for e-Research for securing us this super location.

Library Entrance by Flickr User maccath / Katy Ereira

Library Entrance by Flickr User maccath / Katy Ereira

We are currently confirming the last few speakers and titles for talks so will post something here on the blog once the programme is finalised.

We already have a great draft schedule and some fantastic speakers confirmed so this promises to be a fascinating and stimulating day of talks and breakout sessions.

As we are sharing details of this event at pretty short notice we would be particularly grateful if you could book your place as soon as possible and please do tell your colleagues and friends who may be interested!

Book your free place now via our Eventbrite page:  http://geocult.eventbrite.com/

If you would like to propose any additional talks or ask any questions about the event please email the JISC GECO team via:  edina@ed.ac.uk.


Happy New Year from JISC GECO!

A Very Happy New Year from all at the JISC GECO project!

The JISC geo projects have all presented their final products to the world at the end of 2011 and we are looking forward to seeing how those tools and resources are used by the community throughout 2012 – and you have a favourite project, a great example of how you are using one of the products created or ideas for how they should be developed we’d love to hear from you.

We expect 2012 to be an exciting year for all things geo – it is after all the centenary of the Scott Expedition to the South Pole and the year in which the London Olympics will create a whole new excuse for geospatial tie-ins and visualisations!  The JISC GECO team will be blogging about geo and INSPIRE throughout the year and we will also be running several events this spring beginning, kicking off with a geo culture event in late February. If you are interested in taking part please drop us an email or watch out for further news here on the blog.

As ever we welcome guest posts, particularly from UK Further and Higher Education geo community, and your suggestions for posts or events that should be mentioned here.  In the meantime here is something sparkly to properly celebrate the fact that it’s a brand new year!

Click here to view the embedded video.

