Data and Software Carpentry Workshops

The Research Data Service (RDS) would like to bring the following data-related workshops to you attention, namely:

Data Carpentry Workshop (22 & 23 August, University of Edinburgh Main Library, 30 George Square) – an example-driven two-day workshop on basic data science computing skills. Short tutorials alternate with hands-on practical exercises, and participants are encouraged both to help one another, and to try applying what they have learned to their own research problems during and between sessions. Tools to be used include OpenRefine, R, and SQL.

For further details see:

Software Carpentry Workshop (24 & 25 August, University of Edinburgh Main Library, 30 George Square) – an example-driven two-day workshop on basic data science computing and coding skills. Short tutorials alternate with hands-on practical exercises, and participants are encouraged both to help one another, and to try applying what they have learned to their own research problems during and between sessions. Tools to be used include Python, Git and Github.

For further details see:


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