Citizens Science and Smart Cities Summit (5-7th February 2014)

Map of selected Citizen Science projects in Europe

Last month (5th-7th February 2014) COBWEB was invited to attend, and present, at the Citizens Science and Smart Cities Summit which was arranged by the European Commissions Joint Research Centre, the Institute for Environment and Sustainability. 

Chris Higgins presented an overview of the COBWEB project as part of a session in which all five Citizens Observatories projects took part. You can view all materials from the event on the JRC website or access Chris’ presentation via SlideShare. 

The event sought to explore the interoperability and reusability of data across citizen-centred projects, and to explore the relationships between “Smart Cities” and citizen-centred projects. Find out more about the purpose of the day by taking a look at host Max Craglia’s introductory presentation. 

The COBWEB team found the event really useful for connecting with and exchanging experiences with others interested in the potential for citizen centre projects across Europe, particularly as openness and interoperability sit at the heart of the COBWEB project. Anyone interested in finding out more about a huge range of current projects and initiatives should definitely take a look through the presentations from the event, or to explore the resources on the UrbanQool: Citizen Science Observatory of New Indicators of Urban Sustainability website. 

Find out more



Wednesday, March 5, 2014 – 14:00

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