Draft Inclusion Criteria released for review

A public draft of inclusion criteria for archiving agencies that wish to participate in the Keepers Registry is now available for public review.  We would welcome feedback and community input by the 31st July 2012 either to edina@ed.ac.uk or in the comments below.

For example, it would be helpful to receive comment on any other criteria that readers think we should consider.

The criteria are intended to ensure that we develop an understanding of the operating model and financial and access conditions of archiving organisations.  Completing the criteria is intended to expose consistent information about archiving agencies to assess suitability for inclusion in the Keepers Registry; it is not intended to be an audit of the organisation.

The Keepers Registry service makes available easily accessible information about the inclusion of journals in preservation services.  It provides an authoritative online facility that lets a range of stakeholders check the archival provision for e-journals.  Although archiving arrangements have been in place for some years, prior to the Keepers Registry there was no systematic source of information about who is doing what for each e-journal.

Participating agencies regularly provide the Keepers Registry with metadata about the e-journals in their programme.  At launch of the PEPRS Beta Service in April 2011, we included metadata from five initial agencies (British Library, CLOCKSS Archive, KB eDepot, Global LOCKSS Network, Portico).  We have since added two more agencies:  HathiTrust in October 2011, and National Science Library, Chinese Academy of Sciences in March 2012.  A number of additional agencies have approached us regarding participation and are at varying stages of inclusion.   We are encouraging these additional archiving agencies to adopt the ONIX for Preservation Holdings format for data supply.

Download the inclusion criteria document here [PDF, 154KB].


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