Introducing VML Raster – a new mapping product for Digimap for Schools

Many users will be familiar with the Ordnance Survey 1:10,000 scale raster mapping product that is used in Digimap for Schools on the 3rd most zoomed in view scale.  On 1st March 2013, Ordnance Survey announced the up coming withdrawal of this product from their mapping catalogue in 2014.  This has given us the opportunity to update the mapping used for this zoom level and add in OS VectorMap Local (VML) raster to replace the 1:10,000 scale raster.

OS have decided to withdraw the 1:10,000 due to the dated cartographic styling it uses.  The styling was developed in 1995 – so it is older than most Digimap for Schools users!!  The data has been maintained and updated with changes on the ground mapped, but the styling is now showing its age.

A detailed announcement from Ordnance Survey can be found here

VML raster is a much more modern looking mapping product and is more in-keeping with other the style of other map products.  You will hopefully agree that the flow through the stack in Digimap for Schools is much nicer with VML raster.

Example of 1:10,000 scale raster

VML raster exampleA new map key illustrating the symbology used on the VML raster will also be added, to replace the 1:10,000 raster key.

VML raster will be available in Digimap for Schools from 24th September , when we will be releasing a couple of great new tools – keep an eye out for the blog post about these new enhancements!  (Amendment: We actually exceeded our target of September 24th and have delivered it on the 27th August to ensure its ready for the new school term.  Many thanks to our hard working engineers for this! the new tools are still planned for September 24th!)