Repository Fringe 2013: Reports from the Blogosphere

As a Friday treat we thought we would share with you all of the reports on Repository Fringe 2013 that have been appearing across the blogosphere. These are brilliant personal records of the event and the workshops. They include some fantastic reflections, links to additional materials, and an opportunity to experience the event from someone else’s perspective.

We’ve decided to order these by category so take a wee browse and enjoy:

The Workshops
The Round Table Sessions

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Developer Challenge

Pecha Kuchas and Presentations

Reflections and Feedback on Repository Fringe 2013

  • Gaz Johnson has provided a useful summary of Repository Fringe 2013, including some really useful feedback and suggestions for future events.
  • Richard Wincewicz has blogged about his first experience of the event – and of taking part in the Developer Challenge – in his guest post: My first Repository Fringe.
  • Lynette Summers of Cardiff Metropolitan  University has written a great summary of the event for the Wales Higher Education Libraries Forum (WHELF) blog: Repository Fringe 2013.
  • Chris Awre has provided his reflections across the whole event on the Hull Information Management Blog: Edinburgh? Fringe? Must be a repository conference.

Still to come…  

If you have written a post on RepoFringe we would be more than happy to add it here and to our forthcoming summary post. Please just leave us a comment here or email
