News of the World!

newspaperWalking Through Time was featured as a full page news story in the Scottish national newspaper The Sunday Herald. On page 5 too!

check out the online version here:

it seems to have captured the publics imagination.

Published on 3 Jan 2010

“Time travelling used to be an expensive, clumsy business.

According to TV shows and films such as Dr Who and Back To The Future, would-be explorers of the fourth dimension need at least 1.21 gigawatts or a large blue police box to get anywhere. But a new iPhone application developed in Scotland could simplify the whole process.

Walking Through Time is a new app created by academics at Edinburgh College of Art (ECA). It applies the satnav technology used by Google Earth, but instead of pinpointing where the user is on a current map, it shows where they would have stood two centuries ago.”

The App!

Ok so this is it, the project ended 4 weeks ago, but we’ve been fiddling with it ever since.

Its a very cool product and has opened up many possibilities in terms of research, innovation and possible industrial links.

This is the link:

TBC – having to make a last minute adjustment – sorry Chris

you will need a password, and if you’re part of an HE organisation just email me and i’ll let you in:

The reason that its protected to HE organisations is simply the mapping licenses, but this may change over time if the Prime Minister keeps his word!