SUNCAT updated

SUNCAT has been updated. Updates from the following libraries were loaded into the catalogue this week (the dates displayed indicate when the file was received).

British Library (02 Aug 13)
CONSER (30 Oct 13)
Durham University (21 Jun 13)
Edinburgh University (21 Jul 13)
Glasgow University (06 Aug 13)
ISSN (12 Sep 13)
Leicester University (24 Oct 13)
Manchester Metropolitan University (08 Oct 13)
NERC: Natural Environment Research Council (10 Sep 13)
Oxford University (25 Oct 13)
Reading University (15 Aug 13)
Royal College of Music (16 Oct 13)
Royal Museums Greenwich Caird Library (18 Sep 13)
Royal Society of Medicine (03 Oct 13)
Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art Library (16 Aug 13)
Southampton University (27 Oct 13)
St Andrews University (08 Oct 13)
Sussex University (02 Oct 13)
Tate Library – Tate Britain (10 Sep 13)
Warwick University (10 Oct 13)
York University (16 Jul 13)


At present, we have a backlog of updates to load as the upgrade took longer than expected; we are in the process of working our way through them. To check on the currency of library updates in SUNCAT,  please check the updates page for further details.

SUNCAT is the Serials Union Catalogue for the UK. Visit the service at



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