Planning for Pupil Progress at Key Stage 3

Calling all Secondary KS3 Geography teachers!
“Mapwork skills continue to be poorly developed. It is not uncommon for students to be unfamiliar with Ordnance Survey maps. Maps are a basic tool of geography but students admit to being uncomfortable reading maps and have little opportunity to use maps in lessons. In far too many schools, map use is limited to specific examination requirements, rather than the progressive development of these specific geographical skills.”
Geography: a fragile environment? Leszek Iwaskow (Teaching Geography Summer 20132)
We have a fantastic resource in our resources centre written by David Gardner from the Ordnance Survey.
It highlights some of the issues around Mapwork and Mapskills in Secondary schools.
Its a fantastic resource at identifying EXACTLY where mapskills are required in the KS3 national curriculum and how best introduce and use them.
The resource allows teachers to plan for progression through years 5,6,7 and 8. There is also an incredible curriculum planner you can download and use to support you curriculum making process.
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