Introducing Curious Edinburgh

In the Curious Edinburgh project we are developing an app for everyone interested in the history of science, medicine and technology in Edinburgh,  inspired by the entertaining and informative tours of the city given by Professor John Henry until his recent retirement. To supplement the information in the app, we are also working on an associated website. This will contain details of our general history of science, technology and medicine tour, based broadly on the model developed by Professor Henry. We also also hope to include a tour exploring the history of geology in the city.

Content for the app and website are being developed in collaboration with colleagues both from within the University of Edinburgh and partner organisations in the city. The website and the app will both present specially written text, contemporary and historical images, videos from Professor Henry’s tour, and links to further information. We hope these will provide a valuable resource for students of science and history, as well as an enjoyable and educational guide for anyone with an interest in the story of science in Edinburgh. In future we plan to develop tours covering other scientific disciplines and topics based on the template we have established here.

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