8 Predictions for Mobile App Development in 2015

“Isolated apps are out; “micro-moments” are in”

In a recent report, technology analysts Forrester Research are predicting that big changes are coming in in mobile development.

They are predicting 8 significant changes to the mobile development ‘market’ in 2015:

  1. Standalone apps will lose their luster
  2. Hardware-driven innovation will enable new opportunities
  3. Mobile competition will shift to accessories and ecosystems
  4. Composition will dominate front-end mobile experiences
  5. The merger of physical and digital worlds accelerates
  6. Mobile context becomes high-def
  7. Service virtualization and API design tools will appear in every development toolbox
  8. Low-code platforms will move into the aggregation tier, but struggle to go mainstream

They see the driver for these is users moving

“… away from apps, and toward more contextually relevant micro-moments, delivered across families of devices, that are personalized to anticipate unique customer needs.”

There is a summary article on ‘readwrite’ here  and the full report is available here.

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