New RepNet website about to be released

A new RepNet project website is to be released mid-July following the collection of up-to-date contents as the projects nears its nominal end date later this month. Together with links and descriptions for the repository services offered under the RepNet umbrella, the new RepNet site –on which you should probably be reading this very text– provides an insight of the intertwined project work strands in repository service provision – namely repository aggregationbenchmarkingregistries and continuity of access, plus repository content depositdiscoverability and metadata enhancement.

The new site provides a collection of the different features the RepNet has produced along its extensive outreach and stakeholder engagement activity – including the RepNet survey for IR managers and an analysis of its results, the RepNet maps describing various aspects of the research information management system configuration at UK HEIs and the RepNet factsheets for repository service implementation. A specific chapter in this section is devoted to the STARS joint venture in which the U of ST Andrews, the RepNet and the Scottish Digital Library Consortim (SDLC) have been jointly working in order to test repository service provision for a single institution running a specific CRIS+IR system configuration.

Additional information on the RepNet activities and follow-up will shortly be delivered at the Repository Fringe 2013 to be held in Edinburgh from Jul 31st to Aug 2nd.


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