OA-RJ is dead. Long live ORI and RJ Broker.

JISC is funding EDINA to participate in the UK Repository Net+  infrastructure project.  UK Repository Net+, or RepNet for short,  is a socio-technical infrastructure supporting deposit, curation and  exposure of Open Access research literature.  EDINA’s contribution to RepNet is based on the Open Access Repository Junction (OA-RJ) project outcomes. Two independent tools will be developed as two separate projects from the ‘discovery’ and ‘delivery’ functionality of the OA-RJ.

The Organisation and Repositories Identification (ORI) project will design a standalone middleware tool for identifying academic organisations and their associated repositories. It tool will harvest data from several authoritative sources  in order to provide information on over 23,000 organisations and 3,000 repositories worldwide.  APIs will be provided to query the content of the ORI tool.

The Repository Junction Broker (RJ Broker) project will deliver a standalone middleware tool for handling the deposit of research articles to multiple repositories. This will offer an effective solution to authors and publishers wishing to deposit open access publications in relevant subject and institutional repositories.  The RJ Broker will parse the metadata of an article to determine the appropriate target repositories and transfer the publication to the registered repositories. It is intended to minimise efforts on behalf of potential depositors, and thereby maximise distribution and exposure of research outputs.

The RJ Broker project has been funded for a year as part of the wave 1 development of  UK Repository Net+ while the ORI project was awarded 6 months funding.

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